Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Nanoplasmonic devices key components are tiny nanoscale metal structures more then 100 times smaller than the width of a human hair  that guide and direct light.
The structures have been tailor-made to interact with light in an unusual and highly controlled way.This means they could one day be used to build new kinds of supehigh-speed ‘optical computers  so named because they would process information using light signals, instead of the electric currents used by today’s computers.
This is increasing our brain power, just as steam engines increased our muscle power. As computers become more powerful they will grow more intelligent There seems no reason why machines should not become more intelligent than people in the future. Computers will start to design and build other computers.
Recent innovations such as the iPad provide an exciting glimpse into the future of computers. Before looking forward toward future computer trends, let's take a quick look back to gain a better appreciation of the evolution thus far.
 Do you remember when the first primitive computing machines occupied entire buildings? The massive machines from the mid 20th century consisted of row upon row of vacuum.


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